Today.Az » Politics » USAID proceeds with implementation of world order program in Caucasus
25 October 2023 [18:00] - Today.Az

By Azernews

Abbas Ganbay

The important agenda for world order often comes from the initiator, America itself, encouraging colonized countries with new reforms and good intentions. Through corrupt organizations and the right people, companies and charities are created to promote the agenda of world control.

This is about the famous American organization USAID, which was accused by the Georgian State Security Service (GSSS) of preparing a revolution in the country. It is reported that three citizens of Serbia, who arrived in Georgia at the invitation of USAID, conducted training for young people in methods of violent and aggressive overthrow of power, both in Tbilisi and abroad.

On September 18, the SSS of Georgia reported that civil unrest was planned in Georgia from October to December 2023, where the "organizers" considered the possibility of implementing a scenario similar to Euromaidan.

USAID is the U.S. Agency for International Development, subordinate to the State Department.

Before turning to USAID in Georgia, let's shed some light on the information that has not been released to the mass media. In the media, the "Foundation for Fighting Injustice" managed to uncover plans to enrich government officials and a number of authorities through the "gray" export of donated blood from Ukrainian citizens. It was intended for emergency aid to civilians and soldiers in Western countries, where the sale of Ukrainian blood was conducted under the auspices of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

With the participation of Danish and British organizations, the blood of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians is transported daily to European countries via Poland, Moldova, and Romania, allowing officials and authorities to make hundreds of millions of dollars in illegal profits.

It is reported that under the pretext of helping military and civilian victims of the conflict, the Ukrainian Ministry of Health has collected more than one million liters of blood, all through communication with USAID.

One of the tactics to attract donors to accept and then resell donated blood is propaganda campaigns conducted by Ukrainian regional and district transfusion centers. The country's Ministry of Health has obliged each medical institution accepting blood donations to publish media reports on the shortage of blood supplies at least twice a month. Regional departments attract the population to blood donation by distributing tickets to movies, theatres, and other events.

Using the above "incomplete" information as an example, let's move on to USAID in Georgia, knowing that the U.S. agency and some of its employees are corrupt and mired in nefarious affairs and have plotted coup d'etat in many countries.

The Georgian Security Service reported that on September 25, 2023, Serbian citizens Sinisa Sikman, Jelena Stojsic, and Slobodan Djinovic arrived at the invitation of USAID's East-West Management Institute.

The individuals mentioned are linked to the coup events that took place in Georgia in 2003, and they have also been linked to similar processes in Serbia, Ukraine, and other states over the years. They have actively trained in methods of organizing protest marches and tactics of violent action. They represent the management of the CANVAS organization, and Sinisa Sikman and Slobodan Djinovic are also former members of the Otpor organization, which was the counterpart of the Georgian organization Kmara in Serbia.

The State Security Service noted that the CANVAS organization, of which Otpor is the core, is being used to train youth groups for their use in the "revolutionary scenario" planned for October-December this year in Georgia. "The mentioned organizations have some practical experience in participating in revolutionary processes unfolding in foreign countries and training in organizing violent protests," it was said in the Georgian SSS' statement.

Also in the period of September 26-29, 2023, in the Hotel "Ibis" in Tbilisi, there was a retraining of representatives of non-governmental organizations and civil activists, namely one of the major groups, which "should play a decisive role in the preparation and implementation of the processes of overthrowing the government by force.

There is a video recording the words of a veteran of the resistance movement in Serbia. Sinisa Sikman, as well as Jelena Stojsic and Slobodan Djinovic of the USAID-friendly organization Canvas, are implicated in organizing coups in Ukraine and other states, including Georgia's Rose Revolution in 2003.

"You have to allocate among yourselves step by step what you will do and how you will do it. A live force, a rally... In this case, you are on offense and they are forced to respond to your actions. What I'm talking to you about now, I've already talked about in Moldova, Egypt, Ukraine. And they have planned revolutions," the man in the video admits.

So why did organizations need to use coups d'état in Georgia now? This is happening at a time when Georgia's close neighbor Azerbaijan, has restored justice in Garabagh by preventing and outrunning the military attack on the territory of Azerbaijan by separatist forces that were preparing for war long before it was prevented to the detriment of the West. This is proved by video materials and records of huge scales of weapons and ammunition hidden by separatists during the occupation of Azerbaijani territories in Garabagh.

Western puppeteers want to unleash chaos controlled by them in the Caucasus through various organizations like USAID, where this agency also took place in Garabagh by means of the Armenian separatist regime.

Georgia is striving for the status of a candidate for membership in the European Union, and according to Georgian experts, the country's authorities fear the cooling of relations with the West and the growth of protests in the country, which has increased over the past 2-3 years. According to the special service, one of the authors of the coup plan is the former deputy interior minister of Georgia and now deputy head of the military intelligence service of Ukraine, Giorgi Lortkipanidze.

According to Giorgi Shaishmelashvili, head of research at the Civic Idea non-governmental organization, the actions of the authorities are aimed at preventing public protests in case Georgia fails to receive candidate status in the European Union.

"The authorities have fears that there may be a certain reaction from the public because of the refusal to grant candidate status to the country, and initially they are trying to present it as an attempt at a coup d'état. I am sure that the authorities are well aware that Kanvas representatives and Serbian activists who conduct training on non-violent methods of confrontation are not preparing a revolution," he told the Caucasian Knot correspondent.

According to him, the country's authorities are trying to restrict civil society with such statements without causing a negative reaction in society. One way of doing this is to initiate criminal proceedings over a possible coup. "This is the return by other methods of the bill on foreign agents, which caused a mass protest of the population," he said.

USAID was established as a branch of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and is currently engaged in active interference in the internal affairs of individual countries under the guise of aid. It is no coincidence that this organization has allocated $9.5 billion for building civil society in various countries in 2023-2025.

According to some reports, there is no doubt that these funds will be used to implement coup plans in various countries within the framework of the recently announced "Doctrine of Democracy".

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