Today.Az » Politics » Azerbaijan's State Committee holds meeting with Italian architect
25 July 2024 [14:36] - Today.Az

Fatima Latifova

A meeting was held at the State Committee for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons of the Republic of Azerbaijan with Francesco Delogu, head of the Italian architecture firm “Delogu Architecture," Azernews reports.

Rovshan Rzayev, the committee chairman, provided the Italian guest with information about the reconstruction and development work carried out in Garabagh and Eastern Zangazur under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev, as well as the implementation of measures outlined in the First State Program on the Great Return to the liberated territories. Rzayev noted that compatriots who have been displaced for nearly thirty years due to the Armenian occupation are eager to return to their homeland. He highlighted that new residential settlements are being built in the liberated areas, and restoration and construction work is underway in Shusha and Lachin, utilizing modern architectural methods.

The Italian architect emphasized his familiarity with the rapid and extensive reconstruction efforts in Azerbaijan's liberated territories and noted that all these efforts will facilitate the return of displaced populations. He mentioned that the purpose of his visit was to support the Azerbaijani government's efforts to revive and develop the liberated areas.

The chairman of the State Committee appreciated the guest's interest in this priority issue for the country and his intention to support the Great Return, answered his questions, and wished him success in his creative endeavors.

It should be noted that “Delogu Architecture” has extensive experience in urban and regional planning, as well as the design of residential buildings and hotels.

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