Today.Az » World news » ANCA's Jerusalem land dispute: Armenian separatism recurs as carbuncle
02 September 2024 [08:30] - Today.Az
Recently we have come across news about Jerusalem’s Armenian Quarter, allegedly a historic community dating back to the 4th century, being under a serious threat. This was reported by Armenia’s famous lobbyist scales – The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) and its Canadian Committee on X. As it was reported, the major distress for Armenian Quarter residents is that it is the last undeveloped space of the Old City, a plot of 3 acres that has been the focus of takeover efforts by Jewish settler organizations. Recently, a company owned by an Israeli-Australian businessman has managed to lease the plot and several adjacent buildings from the Armenian Patriarchate into the next century, for the laughable sum of only $2 million. This may have sounded quite normal, until you come against a sentence claiming “Armenian community is one of Jerusalem’s oldest, with the first Armenians arriving as early as the 4th century CE and the Armenian Patriarchate being active in the city since the 7th century.” Just to note that the post also claims the quarter calls “the violent attempt to seize Jerusalem's sacred Armenian Quarter represents an attack against all Armenians, each Christian, and every faith tradition around the world.” It’s noteworthy to say that the Armenian American National Committee (ANCA), one of the largest political organizations of the Armenian lobby, was engaged in protecting the interests of the Armenian diaspora, Armenia, and Garabagh separatists. It has offices in many cities in America and Europe. Looks like this unfortunate organization deprived of all opportunities, now has decided to claim this quarter as Jerusalem’s so-called sacred place. But there it raises genuine questions: Is this quarter indeed, a sacred place as it was mentioned in the post? Or is it another provocative, separatist attempt of the Armenian lobby? To analyze the issue in more detail, the Azernews correspondent decided to talk to an Israeli expert. 
“While an ordinary purchase and sale transaction in any other city would not make headlines, when it comes to Jerusalem, even a plot of land used as a parking lot can suddenly become "sacred," Dr.Hay Eytan Cohen Yanarocak of Tel Aviv University stated.
Dr. Yanarocak also suggested that the matter is being politicized. “The final decision will again be made by an Israeli court. However, it seems that when it comes to the Jewish state of Israel, Armenians are trying to weaken the sovereignty of this state in its capital on an international level by labeling a parking lot as "sacred." Visit the Armenian neighborhood in Jerusalem. You will see Armenian flags and Armenian signs everywhere. ANCA's claims are no different than creating a storm in a spoonful of water, they are malicious,” he concluded. 