Today.Az » Society » Radjabov maintains lead in Wijk aan Zee
17 January 2007 [11:41] - Today.Az
Teymur Rajabov is on fire! Scoring his 3rd win in 4 rounds, the Azeri GM is in top form in Corus.
On Tuesday he tortured Tiviakov in the latter's pet Accelerated Dragon. 15.Nd5 was a nice touch, the point being that after 15…Nxd5 16.exd5 Bxd5 17.Bxd5 Rxd5 comes 18.Bb6, which is good for white. 32…f6? (32…Bg7!?) and 33…gxf5? (33…g5!?) were crucial mistakes by the Dutchman, and ones that were fully exploited by Radja. White sat imposingly on the weakened black structure, and in the absence of any counterplay, white could gradually improve his position. The breaking point came at move 61 with the final mistake 61…Bd6?, and resignation followed on move 75. /