Today.Az » Society » They do not even think who will read this: Azerbaijani culture ministry official
16 October 2009 [17:32] - Today.Az
Day.Az interview with Azerbaijan’s Culture and Tourism Ministry Bibliography Department Chief Latifa Mammadova.
Day.Az: Do not you think advent of information technology has left young people less time to read books as today many books can be found on the Internet...
Latifa Mammadova: This is a common problem in the world. Today this
problem is widely discussed in the United Kingdom, Germany and Russia
has adopted the national program on reading. Everyone goes out of the
situation as he/she can. We also need to create certain conditions in
order to attract young people into libraries, and, in particular, to
In general, I believe that the internet has two big drawbacks. First,
information is credible in the libraries while in internet there are
lot of inaccuracies. Secondly, information is systematic and processed
in libraries unlike internet. Therefore, I believe that internet will
never replace library and electronic books are printed editions. Books
have always existed and will always exist.
Q: Have young people become less interested in libraries?
A: I would not say that. Several years ago we conducted opinion poll
among readers of libraries. A total of 69 percent of respondents said
that in spare time they read books, newspapers and magazines, 10
percent said they go to theater and cinema. On the question whether
they are satisfied with libraries, 37 percent of respondents answered
that libraries has few new books and 50 percent said that from time to
time they visit a library, despite the scarcity of certain
Q: What problems concerning libraries are more urgent today?
A: There are many problems. For example, a library- reader-publisher
link is cut off in the country. Each library must know what its readers
need. Publishers should work in accordance with its requests. Our
publishers is currently working on their own. Books are printed, mostly
commissioned by private individuals or companies.
Publishers target a single goal - to get the greatest benefit. They do
not even think about who will read this. If the book is in demand, it
may be re-published after several years. This almost does not happen in
Azerbaijan. Libraries are imposed books produced by local publishing
houses, and they are forced to acquire them. However, there are still
some central libraries, which cooperate with Russia's publishers and
receive from them a new book commissioned by readers.
Q: Mainly the older generation work in Azerbaijan’s libraries. One can see young people very rarely ...
A: Young people do not work in libraries for two reasons: low salaries
and lack of appropriate conditions. I want to quote the words of U.S.
President George W. Bush: "Well-stocked libraries are the key to
championship in the U.S. economy and democracy. It was so, it is so and
it will be so in future." We need libraries that would attract young
people. Today the profession of librarian is considered undervalued.
Therefore, young people do not want learn this specialty. But I think
that the Library and Information Department of the Baku State
University should pay more attention to the practice of students,
because today this field has undergone great changes.
Q: What libraries need in order to attract potential readers? Only books?
A: Of course, good books. In short, they must keep up pace with life.
If today environmental problems are more urgent, they must focus on
this issue. If there is a need for information about avian influenza in
Azerbaijan, so it must appear in libraries, and people will go there.
Our libraries have become a meeting place and intellectual centers. In
a library you can in fact discuss business, conduct business
negotiations for a cup of tea or coffee and at the same time read an
interesting magazine or a newspaper. Along with this, it is also
necessary to create a separate corner for children. You know, many
people will poor into libraries once such conditions are provided.