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Azerbaijanis return to Armenia, even if Simonyan is against it

03 October 2024 [17:36] - TODAY.AZ
By Leyla Tarverdiyeva, Day.Az

In September, Kazakhstan hosted the next Nomad Games. These beautiful and vibrant competitions are being held for the fifth time, attracting more and more guests. And what was our surprise when we found Armenia among the participants.
This, apparently, surprised many Armenians as well. After all, the "oldest nation", the "world civilizer" and all that, and suddenly participates in competitions of nomadic peoples. It's an outrage. Minister of Sports Giloyan even had to justify himself, saying, "Armenians are not nomads, everyone knows that. Maybe someone will think why should we participate in these games if we are not nomads." Indeed, why?
This moment came to mind in connection with the threatening hints that came out of the mouth of Speaker Alain Simonyan the other day. In the style of pre-war retro, Simonyan threatened Azerbaijanis with forced return to Altai, that is, expulsion from the South Caucasus. I remember Gasparyan, the then head of the General Staff, addressing his defeatists in the same spirit on September 27, 2020: "It's time to show the strength of spirit, the power of the blow and endless hatred against the nomadic remnants of the cave tribe, devoid of a sense of patriotism." He's talking about you and me.
Simonyan also wanted to show off his wit, commenting on the discussions unfolding in Azerbaijan regarding the return of Azerbaijanis to their lands in Armenia. And I learned as always.
Let us immediately emphasize that the discussions regarding the right of Azerbaijanis to return to their ancestral lands are not of a belligerent nature and are completely within the framework of legal norms. If the concerned international community believes that Armenians have the right to return to Karabakh, it should recognize that Azerbaijanis have every right to return to their lands in Armenia, from where they were expelled through ethnic cleansing and forced deportation.
In Armenia, they react so painfully to this legitimate wish of the Azerbaijani side because they are not used to hearing such things addressed to themselves. For 35 years, no one in the world has raised this issue, no one has cared about the fate of hundreds of thousands of Azerbaijani refugees from Armenia, no one has ever asked Yerevan the question "where have 300 thousand Azerbaijanis gone?". This topic was considered taboo, and the Armenians thought that forever. And now the topic of Azerbaijani refugees has hung over our heads and has become an obstacle to the comfortable advancement in international institutions of the issue of "ethnic cleansing" and the triumphant return of separatists to Karabakh, Whenever someone somewhere opens his mouth about the "rights of Armenians", this mouth is shut with a counter demand to recall the rights of Azerbaijanis in Armenia. Azerbaijan quite rightly puts the question squarely: if a certain number of Armenians return to Karabakh (within the framework of Azerbaijani laws, of course), the same number of Azerbaijanis should return to Western Zangezur. The Armenians have no other options to return to Khankendi, and the international community is powerless here.
Realizing the serious changes, the Armenian side is reflecting. Simonyan's comment is an expected reaction, a conditioned reflex to the threat that has appeared. In this case, it is a threat to the mono-nationality of Armenia, which the Armenians have been seeking for all hundred and a half years of living in these territories. For this they went to terrible deeds, and now what - it was all in vain? Was it in vain that the ideologists of Armenian Nazism forced this people to stain their conscience with so many atrocities? It turns out that it was in vain.
And in general, why do Armenians think that it is insulting for us when they sarcastically "call us nomads" and send us to Altai? If there were no expansionist overtones behind these statements, no one in Azerbaijan would even pay attention to the sobs of Simonyan and someone else there. But we know perfectly well that everything comes down to claims to Azerbaijani lands, so we have to react and slap our lips. As it is, there is nothing offensive about the word "nomad". As the Azerbaijani political scientist and historian Rizvan Huseynov says, the concepts of nomad, nomadic people, nomadic culture have become "abusive" thanks to European science, which, based on tendentious sources and evidence, decided to drive all Turkic peoples "into exile" to Altai, Mongolia and Siberia.
"You know, Simonyan is not a figure with whom it is worth having historical discussions. It's better to talk to him in a different language. But I'll say a few words anyway.
This scientific doctrine appeared during the creation of the ideology of Eurocentrism, when in the XVII-XVIII centuries in Europe they decided to get rid of the inferiority complex and fear of the great Turkic empires, calling them "nomadic". It is well known that until the end of the Middle Ages, the East was an advanced part of world culture and civilization, and only then this palm tree passed to Europe, which received its education and worldview thanks to the great schools, knowledge and traditions of the East. To hide this, a politicized "Altai" idea of the ancestral homeland of the Turks was put forward in Europe, which later became widespread in Russian historical science. This was done in order to belittle the historical and civilizational role of the Turkic peoples in world culture.  
And now a few words for Alain Simonyan personally. People like him led the Armenian people to defeat and exodus from Karabakh. And people like him, if they continue in the same spirit, will lead to the fact that the Armenians will eventually completely leave Zangezur. On his own initiative, completely voluntarily and quickly. And he himself will have to flee somewhere to the west, to the USA, where he will be well received as his creature, as a sent Cossack. If he thinks that he insulted us by advising us to look for a historical homeland in Altai, then I can disappoint him. But he humiliated himself, once again demonstrating the envy of the Armenian side for the victories and successes of Azerbaijan.
It is useful for Simonyan to know that the homeland and territory of the Turks is half of Eurasia, from the Pacific Ocean to the Mediterranean Sea. And in this vast space, what the Armenians claim is a tiny dot. But they couldn't take her either. He should also not forget that Armenia, being a foreign body in this geography, is located in the space of the Turkic belt, and it is better for it to keep its mouth shut and not talk about the historical homeland of other peoples. Simonyan, as the speaker of the parliament, as a person holding a high position, should not care about this, but about the statehood and the future of the Armenian people. Unless, of course, his whole "struggle" is aimed at securing a warm place in the West," Rizvan Huseynov said.

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