TODAY.AZ / Business

Counting chamber failed to inspect Caspian sea shipping department

03 February 2005 [09:40] - TODAY.AZ
Counting chamber failed to realize inspections in Caspian Sea Shipping Department.
Head of the department refused to allow chamber representatives to enter into the building. Counting chamber planned to inspect spending of state budget resources by Caspian Sea Shipping Department.

The department was aware of the inspection but refused to allow auditors into the building. Shipping Department had its own explanation. According to the representative of the department, counting chamber mainly inspects spending of budget resources. Shipping Department is not funded by the budget, on the contrary, pays to the budget. That is, the enterprise is running on a paying basis.- End of quotation. Caspian Sea Shipping Department is a 100% self-sustained, but a state-owned enterprise.

Counting chamber launched inspections in Narimanov district as well. Inspections in this district will cover tax, health, education, cultural, housing and communal services departments.



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