TODAY.AZ / Business

?IOC to ship over 560,000 tons Azeri Light from Supsa in August

05 August 2005 [08:30] - TODAY.AZ
The Azerbaijan International Operational Company (?IOC) plans to ship in August from the Black Sea port Supsa 656,000 tons of the Azeri Light oil, produced at the Azeri-Chirag-Gyuneshli (ACG) oil field. 135,000 tons of oil will be shipped on 6-7 August by the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR), which sold this consignment to the Select Energy trader at the tender.
British-American BP, the ACG operator, will ship 215,000 tons of Azeri Light from Supsa: 80,000 tons on 12-13 August and 135,000 tons on 21-22 August. Besides 80,000 tons will be shipped by the American ExxonMobil on 15-16 August from Supsa, Japanese Inpex will ship 135,000 tons oil from the port on 27-28 August. (Trend)

At present the oil pumping through the Baku-Supsa pipeline and shipping of  oil from the terminal have been suspended according to the schedule due to the technical maintenance and replacement of some equipment. For the period of suspension of the objects operating AIOC does not plan to halt oil extraction on ACG.

The company has the possibility to store 1 million barrel of oil at the terminal in Supsa, and up to 4 million barrels at the Sangachal terminal. The Supsa terminal will resume operation in some days.


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