TODAY.AZ / Business

Gas reserves in South Caspian basin may increase in future

06 August 2005 [11:32] - TODAY.AZ
The gas reserves in the South Caspian basin in future as compared to the oil reserves may considerably increase. In the basin, where Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Iran are parts, there are about 40 gas fields.
The most part of the basin fall at Azerbaijan, the report of the Earth Sciences Department press service of the Azerbaijan’s National Academy of Sciences (NAS) says citing the head of the geo-chemical and oil- and-gas geology department of the Institute of Geology of the NAS Akber Feysulayev, according to Trend.

According to him, at the result of the researches carried out by the Institute of Geology, it has been revealed, that the richest mineral deposits settle at present at the basins’ bottom and at the result of encountering with the higher temperature they break and turn into methane and gas condensates.    

Despite this, the exploration of oil reserves must be economical and according to the scientist, foreign companies involved in exploration of the oil fields try to achieve the designed profit in the shortest possible time, which may be negative for the country. «The fields must be exploited according to technology regimes”, Feysullayev underlined.


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