TODAY.AZ / Business

For 2005-2006 Catel to invest over $10 million in communications sphere

19 August 2005 [09:59] - TODAY.AZ
The Azerbaijnai –American Joint Venture (JV) Catel (Caspian American Telecommunications, LLC) plans to invest over $10 million in the communications sphere of Azerbaijan.
From the total investments amount, $10 million fall at OPIC (Overseas Private İnvestment Corporation), which took a decision lately to allocate the JV funds for extending the wireless communication in the ocuntry’s regions, the JV executive director Sadig Gumbatov told Trend.

According to him, beside these means, the dealers companies also plan to invest several million USD in the JV service sphere. «Implementation of the above-mentioned works will lead to creating hundreds of new jobs throughout the country”, Gumbatov underlined. Last year Catel invested over $4 million in the telecommunications sphere.


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