TODAY.AZ / Business

Per capita GDP exceeds $1,250 in Azerbaijan

24 August 2005 [08:19] - TODAY.AZ
Intensive economic development and consolidation of exchange rate of the national currency will result in rise of the per capita Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2006.
The Azerbaijani government told Trend that as a result of 2006 per capita GDP will exceed $1,250 against the initial forecast of 5799.6 manats or $1177.6.

"As a result the country will leave the poor category, which are clients of the international Association for Development in accordance with the WB standards and become a developing country, cooperating with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development," the same source said.

The forecast per capita GDP in 2006 was not indicated, while as of totals of 7 months of 2005 the figure is expected to reach 3557,400 manats ($738.3).

Initial forecast of per capita GDP for 2005 in currency comprised $1,246 at current exchange rates.


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