TODAY.AZ / Business

SOCAR resumes export of liquified gas to Georgia

24 August 2005 [08:59] - TODAY.AZ
The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) shipped today, on 23August 280 tons of the liquefied gas under the contract with a number of companies.
The company has the instructions for deliveries of 1490 tons of the liquefied gas to Georgia, from this volume only 280 tons were shipped so far, SOCAR told Trend.

SOCAR has contracts for delivery of the liquefied gas with 4 Georgian companies: Anesi Oil, Air service, Eurogas, Kopetnari.

The Azerbaijan liquefied gas sold by SOCAR is produced at the catalytic cracking facility of the Heydar Aliyev Oil Refinery (former Azerneftyanacag).


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