TODAY.AZ / Business

Azerbaijan Technological University implements double degree programme for first time

05 January 2024 [18:44] - TODAY.AZ

A document on this was signed between Azerbaijan Technological University and Polish Bialystok Technological University, Azernews reports.

The University reports that the double diploma agreement on the programme "transport logistics" at the master's level was signed by acting rector of Azerbaijan Technological University Yashar Omerov and rector of Bialystok Technological University Marta Kosior-Kazberuk.

Admission to the programme is envisaged from the next academic year. Master's students will study two semesters at the Azerbaijan Technological University and two semesters at the Bialystok Technological University and will eventually receive a master's degree from both universities.

It should be noted that in the dual degree programme the teaching will be in English.


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