TODAY.AZ / Business

Azerbaijan indicates growth in tea production

04 April 2024 [13:36] - TODAY.AZ
Ulviyya Shahin

In January-February 2024, 1,967.2 tons of tea were produced in Azerbaijan, Azernews reports, citing the State Statistical Committee.

Compared to the same period last year, production increased by 395.1 tons or 25.1%.

In January-February of last year, 1,572.1 tons of tea were produced.

The production of finished products as of March 1, 2024, amounted to 87.6 tons.

This is 13 tons or 17.4% more, compared to the corresponding period in 2023.

The production of finished products as of March 1, 2024, amounted to 74.6 tons.


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