TODAY.AZ / Business

Amount of subsidized loans provided to farmers increases

04 April 2024 [15:10] - TODAY.AZ
Ulviyya Shahin

The amount of subsidized loans provided to farmers has increased, Azernews reports, citing Agricultural Research Center.

During January and February of this year, the Agricultural Credit and Development Agency (AKIA) financed the sale of 2,492 pieces of agricultural machinery, which is 5.1 times higher than the figure for last year.

A total of 449 individuals and legal entities operating in the agricultural sector were provided with subsidized loans totaling 10.5M manats ($6.18M) in the first two months of the current year.

Compared to the same months of 2023, the number of recipients of subsidized loans increased by 2.7 times (285 people), while the loan amount increased by 2.9 times (6.9 million manats, $4.06) . (Azerbaijani Economy, Telegram channel).


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