The price for URAL (EX-NOVO) was $61.06 per barrel (-$2.24 per barrel). Density of URAL is 30.4-31.85 degrees by API, sulphur content is up to 1.8%, Trend reports.
The price for Brent (DTD) was $66.82 per barrel (+$0.71 per barrel against the previous price). Density of DTD is 38.3 degrees by API, sulphur content is 0.36%.
The quotation of AZERI LT CIF reflects the price of the Azerbaijan oil delivered to the Mediterranean ports and shipped by the shareholders of the Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC) at the Georgian terminal in Supsa. The quotation of URAL (EX-NOVO) reflects the price of the oil shipped at the Russian terminal in Novorossiysk.