
02 March 2006 [09:20]

Card system introduced in Metro

Non-cash payment system is introduced in the Baku Metro starting from yesterday.
02 March 2006 [08:58]

Mortgage Fund announces reception of appeals

Citizens wishing to obtain mortgage loans can apply to authorized credit organizations from yesterday.
01 March 2006 [14:52]

WB supports irrigation and drainage infrastructure

On Tuesday the World Bank (WB) approved additional financing for the Azerbaijan Rehabilitation and Completion of Irrigation and Drainage Infrastructure Project (RIDIP) in the amount of $5 million equivalent.
01 March 2006 [13:13]

Government terminated the agreement with "Fondel"

Azerbaijan Government terminated the agreement signed with the Holland Company "Fondel", leased Azeraluminium joint-stock company for 25 years, informed the principal office of "Fondel".
01 March 2006 [12:48]

China Southern Airlines launch Urumqi-Baku air route

The China Southern Airlines Company Ltd. is launching a direct flight between Urumqi and Baku.
01 March 2006 [12:46]

Third Airbus to arrive in Baku till late April

The AZAL State Concern will receive the third aircraft in March-April this year.
01 March 2006 [12:33]

Mardakan and Siyazan Broiler continue their activities

State Veterinary Service Deputy Chief Emin Shahbazov told that discovery of Bird flu in Gilezi Poultry farm can not cause stop of production.
01 March 2006 [11:45]

President signed order on State City Construction and Architecture Committee

President Ilham Aliyev has signed an order to establish State City Construction and Architecture Committee.
01 March 2006 [11:24]

AEC conducts roundtables in regions

The National Confederation of the Entrepreneurs (Employers') Organizations of Azerbaijan Republic (AEC) has started implementation of the project "Improvement of productivity and competitiveness in Azerbaijan" with the support of the International Labor Organization.
01 March 2006 [10:52]

Structural changes in Economic Development Ministry to be conducted

A draft of new regulations of the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) was submitted to the President's Office for approval.
01 March 2006 [10:44]

Official representation of ATIS to be held soon

The Ministry of Taxes completed work on the Automated Taxes Information System (ATIS).
01 March 2006 [10:28]

Local workers of McDermott to hold gathering

Chairman of Trade Union Azerbaijani Workers Zakeriyye Rahimov told that Azerbaijani workers of McDermott will hold gathering on March 4.
01 March 2006 [10:22]

Passenger flights from Nakhchivan to Ankara and Dubai to be opened

The Azerbaijan Air Lines State Concern holds negotiations with Turkey and UAE on opening of passenger flights from Nakhchivan to Ankara and Dubai.
01 March 2006 [10:14]

Chamber of Accounts to audit SSPF and State Oil Fund

Pursuant to the 2006 work plan, the Chamber of Accounts of Azerbaijan (CAA) plans to conduct four audit and two analytical inspections in the State Social Protection Fund (SSPF).
01 March 2006 [09:57]

Microsoft representation in Baku opened

Yesterday Microsoft Corporation held the opening ceremony of its first official representation in Azerbaijan.
01 March 2006 [09:39]

IMF's mission came to Baku

The International Monetary Fund's technical assistance mission led by the senior economist of the IMF Statistical Department Michael Silver is in their visit to Baku.
01 March 2006 [09:04]

Azerenergy can not manage local executive authorities

"Local executive authorities and municipalities illegally sell lands in guard bands of high-voltage transmission lines in all regions of the republic. Azerenergy can not manage local authorities in this issue", the vice-president of the Azerenergy Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) Marlen Asgarov stated.
28 February 2006 [17:40]

Iran Air wants to increase Tehran-Baku route flight frequency

Iran Air applied to the AZAL State Concern over the flight frequency increase on the Tehran-Baku route.
28 February 2006 [17:31]

Japan is interested in co-op with Azerbaijan in non-oil sector

"Cooperation with Azerbaijan in the non-oil sector will become a priority sector for Japanese government in the bilateral relationship," Tadahiro Abe, the Japanese Ambassador to Azerbaijan, told journalists on Tuesday.
28 February 2006 [14:58]

Turkmenistan demands $56m from Azerbaijan

National Bank of Turkmenistan called on Azerbaijani government to resume talks on settlement of question on debt of Azerbaijan to the country.
28 February 2006 [11:31]

International Bank to bring 5 thousand POS machines in March

Clients of the International Bank of Azerbaijan (IBA) will be able to use microchip-cards of the Bank in Metro stations as well.
28 February 2006 [11:08]

Azerbaijan-Switzerland investment conference to be held in Zurich

A conference on investment opportunities in our republic will be held in Zurich city of Switzerland on March 9 with participation the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) of Azerbaijan and other state authorities.
28 February 2006 [10:53]

Forum in Tokyo to be held on March 8

Forum with participation of Azerbaijani businessmen will be held in the capital of Japan, Tokyo on March 8.
28 February 2006 [10:20]

Ali Abbasov at COMSTECH XII General Assembly

The Minister of Communication and Information Technologies Ali Abbasov attended the meeting of the XII General Assembly of the Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation of the Islamic Conference Organization (COMSTECH) held in Islamabad on February 21-24.
28 February 2006 [09:26]

Memorandum on power supply systems of Azerbaijan and Russia signed

The Azerenergy Open Joint-Stock Company (OJSC) signed a memorandum with the RAO EES Company of Russia on parallel operation of the power supply systems of the two countries.
28 February 2006 [09:19]

Preliminary work on Sheki module power plant is over

Construction of the Sheki module power plant is intensively implemented.
27 February 2006 [16:54]

60 companies from 15 countries to participate in AutoShow 2006

More than 60 companies from 15 countries will represent products at the 3rd international automobile exhibition AutoShow-2006, according to Iteca Caspian LLC, an organizer of the show.
27 February 2006 [16:26]

Azerbaijan, Russia and Kazakhstan to carry out work on Caspian ecology

The visit of the Russia's Accounts Chamber staff head Sergey Shahray to Baku is scheduled.
27 February 2006 [12:49]

SOCAR exports 193,197 tons of crude and oil products since January

State Oil Company of Azerbaijan Republic (SOCAR) has dispatched 193 thousand 197 tons of crude and oil products from Baku since January.
27 February 2006 [12:27]

Asian Development Bank is interested in development Azerbaijan's banking system

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is interested to participate in formation of the capital of banking organizations operating in our country. However, the Bank must implement certain investigations for this purpose.
27 February 2006 [12:21]

Special state program for insurance development

The World Bank has granted Azerbaijan with $323,000 for the improvement of the legislation in the sphere of insurance.
25 February 2006 [20:11]

Kazakhstan oil can be pumped through BTC in 2010

Some technical and juridical issues were not yet coordinated.
25 February 2006 [10:19]

Imishli Sugar Mill to be opened these days

Opening ceremony of "Imishli Sugar Mill" is planned to be held these days.
25 February 2006 [10:06]

Purchasing 2 billion cubic metres of gas from Iran is possible

Azerbaijan's technical capability allows the country to purchase up to 2 billion cubic metres of natural gas from Iran every year.
25 February 2006 [09:55]

New metro lines to Sumgait and airport

The length of the surface Baku-Sumgait line to be 26 kilometers.
25 February 2006 [09:43]

Gas fees decreased to 48.9% in 2005

The Head of the Azerigas Close Joint-Stock Company (CJSC) Alikhan Malikov held a press-conference on the last year results and work to be implemented in 2006.
25 February 2006 [09:11]

First power unit of Nakhchivan Gas-Turbine Power Plant tested

Reconstruction of the first power unit of the Nakhchivan Gas-Turbine Power Plant has been completed and the unit is currently being tested.
25 February 2006 [09:06]

Microchip metro cards to be sold from March 1

Microchip cards will be sold in all offices of the Baku Metro starting from March 1.
25 February 2006 [08:59]

Bank Standard issues registered deposit certificates

Deposit certificates of the Bank Standard Commercial Bank (CB) were registered by the State Committee for Securities.
24 February 2006 [18:16]

Abbas Abbasov: "Government to assist broiler enterprises"

Government may cover the losses of broiler enterprises.
24 February 2006 [17:55]

Azerigas to build Sangachal-Garadagh-Hajigabul pipeline

The budget of the project in construction of the high pressure gas pipelines is $45m.
24 February 2006 [16:48]

Azerigas to cease gas supply to consumers in debt

In 2005 Azerigas joint-stock company spent around 100 bn manats on major construction and repair work and constructed 180km-long gas pipelines, Alikhan Malikov, the head of the Azerigas, stated to a news conference on February 24.
24 February 2006 [11:25]

Azersu holds tender

The Azersu Joint-Stock Company announced a tender on construction and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage systems of the cities and regions of the republic in 2006.
24 February 2006 [11:18]

New metro station to be put into operation in September, 2008

One more station of "Memar Ajami-Dernegul" metro line will be put into operation in September, 2008.
24 February 2006 [11:10]

State Committee for State Property Management established a Hot Line

State Committee for State Property Management(SCSPM)put its homepage and Hot line into operation.
24 February 2006 [11:04]

Street trade being abolished in Zagatala

Executive Power, Hygiene and Epidemiology Center and Police Office are fighting against physical people who are engaged in illegal trade in the streets.
24 February 2006 [11:01]

Roundtable under "Year of Russia in Azerbaijan"

Roundtables under "Year of Russia in Azerbaijan" with participation of representatives of both countries were held at the Baku Business Centre yesterday.
24 February 2006 [10:28]

Energy security in GUAM framework will be discussed

Energy security issues in GUAM framework will be discussed in Baku.
24 February 2006 [10:20]

Etibar Pirverdiyev: "No negotiations on reduction the price of Russian electricity held"

"The Azerbaijani party is not conducting any negotiations on reduction of the price of electricity imported from Russia. The reason of it is price increase of energy carriers in the world market".
24 February 2006 [09:39]

Head of Accounts Chamber to visit Kuwait

Delegation led by the Chair of the Accounts Chamber Namig Nasrullayev will visit Kuwait on March 4-7.
24 February 2006 [09:13]

UK Senior auditor to visit Baku early in April

A delegation led by the senior auditor of the National Audit Office of Great Britain John Born is expected to visit Azerbaijan within the first ten-day period of April.
24 February 2006 [08:55]

Volume of ERBD funds reached $770 mln

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), that works with Azerbaijan since 1992, has allocated $770 million.
23 February 2006 [11:38]

Head of Microsoft Baku office appointed

Vladimir Chaikovski will become a general manager of the Baku representative office of the Microsoft corporation.
23 February 2006 [11:02]

Georgia has to repay electricity debt only for 1997-1998

The Georgian party has completely repaid electricity received from Azerbaijan during energy crisis happened in Georgia on January 22.
23 February 2006 [10:57]

EBRD held presentation of its annual report

Today the Baku Office of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) held presentation of the new publication of the annual "Transition report – 2005" on economic development and reforms implemented in Central, Eastern European and CIS countries.
23 February 2006 [10:32]

Compensation for legal buildings to be paid according to market prices

Special commission to conduct inventory of buildings to be pulled down pursuant for construction of new motor roads.
23 February 2006 [09:52]

Heydar Babayev: "Russian companies mainly interested in non-oil sector"

The Minister of Economic Development Heydar Babayev told journalists that Russian companies were mainly interested in the non-oil sector and some proposals had already been presented in this connection.
23 February 2006 [09:49]

Electricity price not to be raised this year

Price of electricity sold to population will not be raised this year.
23 February 2006 [09:20]

Government being more careful in borrowing policy

The government of Azerbaijan will be more careful with the borrowing policy this year.
23 February 2006 [09:10]

Viktor Khristenko: "Submerged pipelines' costruction is possible only after determination of the legal status of Caspian Sea"

Any decision on construction of submerged pipelines in the Caspian Sea can be adopted only after determination of the legal status, was stated by the Minister of Industry and Energy of Russia Viktor Khristenko.
23 February 2006 [09:04]

Privatization proposals of Baku Automatic Telephone Unit to be prepared

The Ministry of Communication and Information Technologies will prepare proposals on privatization of Baku Automatic Telephone Unit (BATU) soon.
23 February 2006 [09:00]

Government gave instructions on preparation of draft budget 2007

The Cabinet of Ministers and Ministry of Economic Development were given instructions on preparation of the 2007 draft budget and socioeconomic development forecasts.
23 February 2006 [08:55]

Terms of mortgage credit are severe at present

30% of property value that must be paid under mortgage crediting is high amount in the present situation, the Minister of Youth and Sport Azad Rahimov told.
23 February 2006 [08:51]

Azerbaijan to participate in international exhibition to be held in Germany

The biggest information-communication technologies exhibition of the world – CeBIT-2006 will be held in Hannover city of Germany from March 9 to 15.
22 February 2006 [18:14]

"RusAl" plans to invest $1bn in Azerbaijan

"Russia's largest aluminium producer "Russian Aluminium" is planning to invest $1bn in aluminium's production in Azerbaijan," the First Deputy Premier Abbas Abbasov told journalists.
22 February 2006 [16:55]

Finance Minister: "Salaries to be increased in 2006"

The government plans to increase salaries of employees of companies financed from state budget except diplomats and governmental officials in 2006.
22 February 2006 [16:50]

State Property Management Committee re-registers leasing contracts

SPMC started work on new registration of concluded leasing contracts. Lesees are due to address to SPMS for re-registration of contracts.
22 February 2006 [15:21]

Negotiations between Azerbaijan and Russia's Stavropol region to be held

Azerbaijan can become transit country of Stavropol region on grain transportation
22 February 2006 [15:08]

?zerenerji JSC to manage Bayva-Enerji

The ?zerenerji Joint Stock Company (JSC) is holding negotiations with the government of Azerbaijan and is likely to commence managing the Bayva-Enerji company since March 1, the head of the ?zerenerji JSC Etibar Pirverdiyev told journalists on Wednesday.
22 February 2006 [14:51]

Moscow proposes oil transportation deal to Azerbaijan

"Russia has proposed to Azerbaijan a long-term agreement on oil transportation via the Baku-Novorossiisk pipeline," the Russian industry and energy minister said Wednesday.
22 February 2006 [14:49]

Russian-Azerbaijani business forum opens in Baku

Several hundred government officials, legislators and entrepreneurs from Russia and Azerbaijan gathered in the capital of Baku Wednesday to discuss ways of boosting economic cooperation between the two former Soviet republics.
22 February 2006 [12:25]

Two Azerbaijani-Russian agreements are signed

Session of the Azerbaijani-Russian economic commission, taken place, on February 21, in Baku, resulted in signing of two documents.
22 February 2006 [11:00]

Ministry of Finance to form supervising-inspection groups in 10 regions

Minimum salary can be increased by 33% this year.
22 February 2006 [10:31]

Arthur Lenk: "Israel's stance on Iran coincides with international community"

Israeli businessmen met with representatives of the northern regions at the Olympic Complex in Guba on February 21.
22 February 2006 [10:20]

One more tanker built in Nizhni Novgorod to be brought to Azerbaijan

The "Koroghlu" tanker built in the "Krasnoye Sormovo" (Nizhni Novgorod) enterprise of Russia will be brought to Azerbaijan in April-May this year.