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Nasimi's poetry presented in Latvia

03 December 2019 [16:02] - TODAY.AZ

By Azernews

By Laman Ismayilova

An evening dedicated to the 650th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet and philosopher Imadeddin Nasimi and the "Year of Nasimi" in Azerbaijan has been solemnly held in Riga Classical Gymnasium.

Azerbaijani students, members of the Latvian-Azerbaijan Ojag Cultural Center as well as students and graduates of the Riga Classical Gymnasium attended the event, organized by the Embassy of Azerbaijan in Latvia, Trend Life reported.

In his speech, Azerbaijani Ambassador to Latvia Javanshir Akhundov emphasized the importance of Nasimi's poetry in enriching the Azerbaijani language and literature. He stressed the major role of the national leader Heydar Aliyev in promoting and studying the poet’s heritage.

Thanks to the efforts of Heydar Aliyev, the poet's anniversary was included in the list of UNESCO's significant dates.

Then, in 1973, grand  anniversary events were held in Baku and Moscow, including  a scientific conference with the participation of prominent scientists.

The decree of the President Ilham Aliyev on the "Year of Nasimi"  contributed to the wide dissemination the poet's legacy.

In his report, the director of the Riga Classical Gymnasium, the chairman of the advisory board at the Latvian Ministry of Education, the chairman of the Latvian-Azerbaijan Ojag Cultural Center, Roman Aliyev drew parallels between the concepts of Nasimi and leading European philosophers  He also read out one of the poet's gazelles in Latvian.

Next, gymnasium students  presented the works of legendary poet.

The evening featured music pieces by Alim Gasimov, Sami Yusuf, Teyyub Aslanov, Sevda Alakbarzade as well as fragments from the film "Nasimi".

In her report, professor of Baku Academy of Music, Honored Art Worker Zumrud noted that the poet’s work is a valuable material for the study of musical culture of the 14th-15th centuries. The musicologist paid special attention to the poet's images in the works of modern composers.  She also informed the audience about Nasimi Festival of Poetry, Art and Spirituality, organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation.

Her report featured the works of  such composers as Fikrat Amirov, Firangiz Alizade, Jangir Jangirov, video fragments of the anniversary evening of Nasimi, held in October this year at UNESCO's headquarters and so on.

The poem "Nasimi" by national poet Gabil was then presented to the audience. The performance was highly appreciated by the guests of the event.

These scenes brilliantly demonstrated the philosophical power of Nasimi's poetry, his courage and great contribution to the Azerbaijani language.

In conclusion, Roman Aliyev awarded memorable gifts to students who took an active part in preparing the anniversary performance.


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