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Nasimi's birthday anniversary marked in Turkey

17 December 2019 [16:17] - TODAY.AZ

By Azernews

By Laman Ismayilova

A ballet "Nasimi" by Fikrat Amirov has been successfully premiered in Turkey.

The event was timed to the Year of Nasimi in Azerbaijan and the poet's 650th anniversary.

At the initiative of the Azerbaijani Embassy in Turkey, the ballet was staged at the Samsun Art Theater.

The project was co-organized by People’s Artist, famous conductor Yalchin Adigozalov, choreographer People’s Artist Kamilla Huseynova and playwright Ajdar Ulduz, who wrote the libretto of the play.

The ballet was truly spectacular thanks to the support of the State Opera and Ballet Theater. The performance aroused great interest among audience.

Spectacular ballet was presented within the shortest possible time. The soloists of the Turkish ballet troupe brilliantly played the roles of Nasimi, Egyptian Mamluks and Sufis -  the poet's followers.

All tickets were sold a month before the premier of the ballet. There was a full house in the hall. At the end of the ballet, the audience burst into applause.

Imadeddin Nasimi was a great Azerbaijani poet and eminent figure in the poetry and philosophical thought of the Orient. He was the founder of the school of philosophical poetry in the Azerbaijani language.

The poet created myriads of works in Azerbaijani, Persian and Arabic. The poet wrote about 300 poems, including ghazals, gasidas ("lyrics"), and rubais (quatrains). Nasimi’s Turkic Divan is considered his most important work, which contains 250-300 ghazals and more than 150 rubais.

His poetry is rooted in the social, political and cultural development of the countries of the Near and Middle East, and especially of his homeland, Azerbaijan.

After his death, Nasimi's works continued to exercise a great influence on many Turkic language poets such as Fuzuli (1483–1556), Khatai (1487–1524).

In connection with the 650th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet, President Ilham Aliyev declared 2019 the Year of Nasimi. Numerous scientific institutions, cultural centers, institutions and organizations are holding a series of events dedicated to the poet.

The Nasimi Festival of Poetry, Arts, and Spirituality was held for the second time from September 28 to October 1, 2019 in the country. The festival was organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Culture.

World-famous scholars and poets, philosophers, artists, music, dance and theater groups took part in the festival.

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