TODAY.AZ / Arts & Entertainment

New feature film to be produced in Baku

29 August 2024 [16:05] - TODAY.AZ
Laman Ismayilova

Filming is currently in progress for the winning projects from last year's film competition, co-organized by the Culture Ministry and the State Cinema Agency last year, Azernews reports.

With the financial support of the State Cinema Agency, the production of the feature film "Borc" (Duty) has officially begun.

Produced by Baku Media Center, the film marks the directorial debut of Orman Aliyev, who is also serving as producer of the film, while scriptwriter is Ismayil Iman.

The 90-minute full-length feature film is dedicated to Azerbaijan's victory in the 44-day Patriotic War.

Note that the film "Borc" is Orman Aliyev's debut in art cinema as a director.

The screenplay tells about the events that happened to a DJ during the coronavirus pandemic. The hero of the film voluntarily goes to fight in the Second Garabagh War that took place during that time.

In celebration of the 5th anniversary of Azerbaijan's victory, Baku Media Center plans to unveil a series of documentary and feature films to the audiences.

"Borc" will be the first feature film to be shown on the big screen with this occasion. The film is expected to be released in early 2025.


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