BIHE, the annual Azerbaijan International Healthcare Exhibition, will take place in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, on 22-24 September 2010. The show is organised by ITE Group Plc (UK) and its partner in the Caucasus, Iteca Caspian. The exhibition is supported by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Dental Association of Azerbaijan, and National Confederation of Entrepreneurs’ (Employers’) Organisations of the Republic of Azerbaijan. For four years, BIHE has held “UFI Approved Event” status, which is awarded by the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI). This testifies to the professional level of organisation at the event, and also confirms the reliability of the exhibition's statistics. Since its launch 16 years ago, BIHE has rightly come to be considered the main medical exhibition in the region, where profitable contracts are signed and long-term partnerships established. The partners of the autumn exhibitions in 2010 are Azerfon-Vodafone, Pasha Sigorta, Caspel, SIAR, Greenwich Travel and Ñaucas Point Hotel.
For the first time, BIHE will be held in Baku Expo Center, a modern new venue meeting the highest standards. The exhibition will feature over 105 companies from 19 countries, including: Azerbaijan, Russia, Germany, Iran and others. This year, the number of exhibitors has increased by 15% against last year. Local manufacturers and distributors account for 40% of the total area at the exhibition, and 35% of the exhibitors are newcomers to BIHE. One of the new exhibitors is the Bavarian National Stand, whose participation has been organised with the support of the Bavarian Ministry for Economic Affairs, Transport and Technology. German companies will present modern medical equipment, implants, orthopaedic products and means of disinfection. A wide range of medicines will be presented by pharmaceutical companies from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine and other countries. The exhibition will also include the following sectors: medical and laboratory equipment, equipment and furniture for pharmacies and medical institutions, pharmaceutical products, and hygiene and disinfection products.
Stomatology Azerbaijan 2010, the 5th Anniversary Azerbaijan International Stomatology Exhibition, will be held alongside BIHE, and present dental equipment, consumables and much more. The exhibition will feature mini dental operations. In addition, the exhibition will include, with the support of the Dental Association of Azerbaijan, the 16th International Research and Practical Conference on “Current dentistry issues in light of global achievements”, which will be the central event in the field of dentistry this year. The conference will be held on 23 September in the conference hall of Baku Expo Center, and will bring together about more than 100 delegates from Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkey medical universities.
Beauty Azerbaijan, the 4th Azerbaijan International Beauty and Aesthetic Medicine Exhibition will be held on the same dates – 22-24 September and present: aesthetic medicine; equipment and preparations for make-up and permanent cosmetics; tools; equipment and services for beauty salons; nail services and equipment; cosmetic equipment; cosmetology; natural cosmetic, medical and therapeutic phytocosmetics; aromatherapy; mesotherapy; thalassotherapy; hygiene products; diet food products; childcare products; and much more. During the exhibition, presentations will be given on medical cosmetics from leading European manufacturers, and there will be training sessions and master classes on the proper use of cosmetics and mesotherapy. In addition, for the first time, the exhibition will include a conference on aesthetic medicine, the main topic of which will be skin care.
At the exhibitions organised by Iteca Caspian in Azerbaijan, a new project will operate – Innovation Zone, which will allow participating companies to demonstrate new and original products/technologies/services at the exhibitions. The first exhibition to feature the Innovation Zone will be BIHE. This year, new products account for 35% of the total exhibition, with new technologies in many different areas of medicine - from diagnosis to sanitation. All the companies presenting new products and technologies at the exhibition will be marked with a special sign, both on the stand and on the exhibition plan. A detailed description of the characteristics of all the products/technologies/services presented, with the contact details of the companies, can be found in the Innovation Zone catalogue, which will be distributed at Baku Expo Center during the exhibition.
BIHE is, therefore, an important event for those who care about their health and want to protect it. The exhibition and the innovations presented within it will help promote in the national market innovative products, services and technologies in the field of medicine, which will eventually lead to better quality health services in the country.