TODAY.AZ / Exhibitions

Exhibition of Azerbaijan artist Ashraf Heybatov opens in Berlin

20 May 2011 [16:40] - TODAY.AZ
An exhibition of the Azerbaijan artist Ashraf Heybatov was held at the Senate of Berlin. The exhibition supported by the Embassy of Azerbaijan to Germany and sponsored by Azerbaijan European Society is dedicated to the 60th birthday of the artist.

Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Germany Parviz Shakhbazov and member of Bundestag, Senator Andreas Keler addressed the opening of the exhibition attended by outstanding politicians and diplomats accredited in Germany.

Ashraf Heybatov is the only Azerbaijan artist whose solo exhibitions were organized at President`s Palace in Bucharest, art galleries in Malta, Vatican, Royal cultural center in Jordan, the UN headquarters in Geneva, NATO and CoE headquarters in Brussels.

The next exhibition of the artist will be held in Ankara on May 24 under the support of TURKSOY.

Embassy of Azerbaijan also sponsored publication of a catalogue featuring Heybatovəs artworks.


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