TODAY.AZ / Politics

Natalie Ashotovna Loiseau: How Armenian lobby is destroying EU from the inside

08 July 2024 [14:40] - TODAY.AZ
By Bayram Elshadov-Day.Az

While there are more and more voices in Europe for leaving the EU, some European politicians are doing everything possible to accelerate the process of the collapse of a united Europe, which was already created with difficulty. 

No sooner had the informal OTS Summit ended in Shusha, in which Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban took part as the head of the observer country's delegation, than shouts and comments on this event were heard from Brussels to the head of the Hungarian government, saying that the Hungarian Prime Minister did not have the right to participate in this Summit and did not have the authority to represent the EU (so as from July 1, 2024, Hungary holds the presidency of the EU for a period of 6 months).

All this mouse fuss, started around the participation of Prime Minister V. Orban at the instigation of the Armenian lobby and aimed at depriving Hungary of the legitimate right to preside over the EU, aims to damage the image of the head of the Hungarian government, who conducts an independent foreign and domestic policy regardless of the instructions of Brussels officials.

After the inappropriate comments of the hapless head of the EU External Relations service, Borrel, who was leaving his post, who hastened to announce to the whole world that Prime Minister V. Orban did not represent the EU at this Summit (the future pensioner, apparently due to his advanced age and incompetent assistants, is still not aware that Hungary is an independent state and has the right to be a member of various regional and international organisations without the permission of Brussels, and the Hungarian Prime Minister participated in the event as the head of the observer state in the Organisation of Turkic Having received an invitation only in this capacity), his "gentle", impregnated voice against Mr. 

V. Orban was raised by French MEP Natalie Loiseau, known for her Turkophobic and Islamophobic position, for whom everything related to the Turks, Azerbaijan and Turkiye acts like a bullfighter's red rag on a bull during a bullfight.

This lady, who has long been sick with chronic hatred of ethnic Turks, hastened to condemn the participation of the Hungarian Prime Minister in the Summit in Shusha, not failing to repeat the ancient narratives of her Armenian sponsors, who still question the belonging of the Karabakh region and the city of Shusha to Azerbaijan in the hope of revenge. 

Such a destructive position of these gentlemen, who, due to illiteracy and lack of objectivity, are destroying the EU with their actions and statements from within, suggests the existence of hidden supporters of the collapse of the union within this European union, who are quietly doing everything possible to offend a number of EU member states that pursue an independent policy and force them to leave the union.

Sick with black envy, these short-sighted politicians are jealous that the countries of the Turkic world, which unites several hundred million people from Europe to China, simply do not take them into account and move forward, integrating more and more and not paying attention to enemies and envious people.

By the way, as proof that Mr. V. Orban did not speak on behalf of the EU at the Summit in Shusha, it was that the Hungarian delegation did not use symbols, including the EU flag, which corresponds to the protocol adopted in Brussels. That is why all sorts of shouts and groans from some officials from Brussels and MEPs have no basis.

As for the participation of the delegation of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in the event as an observer, it should be recalled to the guardians of the territorial integrity of Cyprus that the reason for the partition of the island in 1974 was a coup organized by supporters of enosis (annexation) of Cyprus to Greece from the terrorist organization NOCF 2 with the support of the dictatorship of black colonels from Athens, who were the first to begin the genocide of the Turkish population. 

And in response, according to international agreements, Turkiye was forced to send troops to protect the Turks living on the island. And all negotiations on a peaceful settlement of the Cyprus problem were "successfully" torpedoed by representatives of the Greek community, who rejected the plan of UN Secretary General K. in a referendum in 2004. Annan, which provides for the creation of a confederation of two communities. 

So instead of criticising the Hungarian prime minister for allegedly "betraying" European interests, they should have dealt with their Greek Cypriot wards, for whose interests they are tearing their throats out.

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