TODAY.AZ / Politics

Prime Minister on Call: Pashinyan is Macron's Toy

19 September 2024 [17:17] - TODAY.AZ
In fact, I didn’t expect anything else. Another soap bubble burst, nothing more. More specifically, the prospect of a visit by French President Emmanuel Macron on Armenia’s Independence Day became even more vague yesterday, when it became known that RA Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan had been invited to the 19th Francophonie Summit, which will be held on October 4-5. 

The Hraparak newspaper writes about this, developing the topic. "The visit of the Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs of France Stephane Sejourné to Armenia and the invitation of Pashinyan create the impression that Macron will not come to Armenia. The Armenian publication recalls that on June 1, 2021, Pashinyan said in Paris that he was "waiting for Macron in Yerevan" on September 21. He said it beautifully and loudly, nothing to say.

But as has often happened with Pashinyan's loud statements, the reality is completely different. Simply put, Macron's visit to Yerevan is likely to go down the drain. Yes, information has also recently spread that Macron will still arrive on September 21 of this year. Moreover, the Armenian pro-government propaganda machine has tried to present this as Macron's support for the Armenian authorities. 

As reported by "Hraparak", even the Place de France has begun to be improved. It is already September 18, and there is still no confirmation from Paris that Macron will visit Yerevan. As Pushkin wrote in "The Queen of Spades", midnight is approaching, and Herman is still not here. In this case, Emmanuel, but the essence is the same. And this is not at all surprising behavior of the President of France.

He has been promising to visit Kiev for a long time. There have been so many announcements on this topic, but Macron has not yet appeared in the capital of Ukraine. Unlike a number of leaders and representatives of various countries, including the United States and Great Britain. Macron, as we can see, prefers to show his support for Ukraine remotely. He does not dare to visit Kiev, which is subject to drone raids and missile strikes .

Macron also has huge problems in France itself. A petition to remove him from power, launched by the left-wing party France Insubordinate (NF) on August 31, had garnered 311,000 signatures as of September 17, according to the petition's website. And the number is growing.

"After the dissolution of the National Assembly, the French people mobilized en masse in the legislative elections, but Emmanuel Macron refuses to accept the results of these elections, keeping the previous government in power and blocking the implementation of any program other than his own. This authoritarian drift is unprecedented in the world of parliamentary governments and in the system of representative democracy. This is why we support the call for the resignation of the President of the Republic in accordance with Article 68 of the constitution," the description of the petition says.

In these circumstances, Macron certainly has no time to visit Yerevan. Especially since Stefan Sejourné has already visited there, and in the Armenian capital he voiced not only his own, but also Macron's plans for Armenia. Speaking of plans, Sejourné, who was appointed to the post of French Foreign Minister in January 2024, will now replace Thierry Breton as the EU Commissioner for France.

In this way, Macron wants to ensure a strong representation of France in the EU, especially in key European institutions. Let us recall that the French EU Commissioner Thierry Breton announced his resignation and Macron began to push, in a good sense of the word, Séjourné for this position. Lobbying your favorites is an old French tradition. Many kings of France did the same, patronizing their minions.

In any case, as we can see, there are many reasons why Macron's much-publicized visit to Yerevan on September 21 will not take place. It is easier for the French side to beckon Pashinyan with a finger and he will come running, flashing his heels, wherever they point and whenever they order. Perhaps even taking with him a new batch of socks with the colors of the Armenian flag, in order to give them to his French patrons.

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