TODAY.AZ / Politics

Armenian provocation: Unsuccessful attempts to block COP29 in Azerbaijan

27 September 2024 [16:13] - TODAY.AZ

The COP29 event, which will take place in November, is not only of great significance for Azerbaijan but for the entire Caucasus region. Discussing a topic as crucial as the climate crisis in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, carries its own special meaning. The gathering of world leaders to seek solutions to this issue, which is more critical than war, peace, and economics, naturally conflicts with the interests of many organisations.

Azerbaijan’s hosting of COP29 stems from its unique progress and achievements in the Caucasus region. Given that 95% of its economy advances through oil and gas revenues, Azerbaijan’s boldness and determination in taking on the difficult commitment of transitioning to green energy displeases those who oppose Baku.

Despite four years passing since the 44-day Second Garabagh War, in which Azerbaijan's military achieved victory with great heroism, individuals and groups who still promote the fake republic of artsakh, ignoring international law, history, and humanity, include Nubar Afeyan, co-founder of the Aurora Humanitarian Initiative. He expressed regret that COP29 is being held in Baku while "artsakh’s" former "leaders" are imprisoned in the city, calling Azerbaijan's hosting of the conference a "terrible irony."

It is curious that many politicians and pro-Armenian organisations, following Afeyan's example, are particularly trying to tarnish and discredit COP29. They cannot hide the deep sense of envy they harbour. Those demanding the release of the separatists imprisoned in Azerbaijan should first explain why those separatists tried to establish their own state on Azerbaijani territory.

Those who remain silent about the looting of Azerbaijani lands by Armenians for 30 years, the desecration of monuments and religious sites, the displacement of 1 million Azerbaijanis from their homes, and the massacres like Khojaly and Meshali, still shamelessly attempt to protect the so-called "Republic of Artsakh."

Despite the torture and humiliation inflicted on Azerbaijanis by Armenians, today, Azerbaijan is still willing to sign a peace agreement with Armenia under the simplest conditions. However, as of last night, the Armenian army, by shelling Azerbaijan’s borders, once again demonstrated its approach to peace and humanity.

Those who ignore all these facts and hastily claim that Azerbaijan is incapable of hosting COP29 should first consider the damage Armenia is causing to the environment.

Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant

Since 1976, Armenia's Metsamor Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) has been operating with outdated technologies. The uncertainty in Yerevan’s economy, politics, and governance makes the operation of the NPP even more dangerous, and despite being deemed unfit for use, it continues to function, further exacerbating regional tensions.

Given that the world is still grappling with the consequences of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster and the 2011 Fukushima NPP accident in Japan, the continued existence of the Metsamor threat paints a frightening picture.

While Azerbaijan is currently striving for a green energy transition, the ill-informed opinions of several pro-Armenian businessmen, and even accusations against the state are laughable.

As for the separatists whose release is being demanded, the Azerbaijani government cannot treat individuals who occupied its lands and tried to establish a fake state, only to play the victim when cornered, in a more humane manner. Given that the fate of around 4,000 Azerbaijanis has remained unknown since the First Garabagh War, the separatists, who have been repeatedly visited by International Red Cross Committee (ICRC) representatives and live in safe conditions in Baku’s prisons, are in far better conditions. After all, the children, women, and elderly who were captured 30 years ago, and never desired war, committed none of the crimes that these separatists did.

Yet again, particularly on September 27th, the Remembrance Day marking the start of the Patriotic War, there are provocations aimed at Azerbaijan on the border, in the media, and in politics. However, these attempts at provocation, as always, end in failure. The reality is that Azerbaijan has liberated its lands from occupation and is currently carrying out various infrastructure projects in Garabagh. The reality is that COP29 will take place in Azerbaijan after being held in Abu Dhabi. The only thing that pro-Armenian organisations and individuals can do about this is to make absurd statements to the media and try to garner attention by using Azerbaijan’s name again.


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