TODAY.AZ / Society

Chechen gangsters attacked "UNITECH" shop in Baku

25 February 2005 [17:27] - TODAY.AZ
Yesterday armed attack has been committed to "UNITECH" shop which sells home equipments located in May 28 street, 7, in the capital at about 6 p.m.
Two gunmen demanded the money in the cashbox from the shop assistants and the employee of currency exchange station.

At the result of the incident one of the shop assistants were slightly injured. The associates of Police Department #22 of Nasimi District came to the place of the incident and imprisoned the burglars. Colonel-lieutenant Mehdi Tarlanov-the chairman of the Police Department confirmed the criminals to be Chechen by origin in his report to APA.

The chairman stated that, the names of the burglars will not be made public due to being secret of investigation. According to the information of spokesman of APA who maws in the place of the accident, ticket was found to Baku-Aktau air trip on the criminals. High-ranking officials of Procurator's of Republic, and Ministry of Internal Affairs came to the place of the incident.

It must be noted that, the shop suffered attack belongs to Professor of Azerbaijan State Oil Academy Mammadov Elkhan./APA/


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