TODAY.AZ / Society

One more imprisoned relating with armed attack to UNITECH shop

26 February 2005 [09:40] - TODAY.AZ
One more person was imprisoned having relation with armed attack to UNITECH shop located in 28 May str. 7, on February, 24.
This is resident of Grozny Kantayev Huseyn Vachovich, born in Kazakhstan in 1961.APA was informed of it by colonel-lieutenant Mehdi Tarlanov-chief of 22nd Administration Department for Police of Nasimi district. M.Tarlanov stated that, crime case was opened by 181 (robbery) article of Criminal Code about citizen of Georgia Eldari Achmadovich Tishkoyev, and resident of Groznyy Ruslan Elichbarevish Koyev who attacked the shop.

The investigation is held by Tofig Nabiyev- inspector of ADP of Nasimi district. Huseyn Kantayev is accused in providing these persons with guns.

It must be noted that, two gun-"Makarov" and "Baykal" typed pistols, 18 cartridges on the burglars, 4 cartridges were found in the place of incident. There also was ticket to Baku-Aktau air trip on them./APA/ OMBUDSMAN SUBMITS

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