TODAY.AZ / Society

American-Azerbaijan society to celebrate Novruz holiday

19 March 2005 [14:38] - TODAY.AZ
America-Azerbaijan society, acting in New-Jersey USA, will celebrate Novruz holiday.
The state committee on work with Azerbaijanis, residing in foreign states informed agency Trend.

The chairman of society Tomris Azeri mentioned, Azerbaijan music would be ?erformed, children would get ?resents, voyages to Las-Vegas and other cities would be organized, and honorable badges would be delivered to active members of society. It is ex?ected, hundreds of guests from different states of USA, including ambassador of our state to USA Khafiz Pashayev, Consul of Turkey Omar Onkhon, ?ermanent re?resentative of Azerbaijan to UNO Yashar Aliyev and congressman, elected from New-Jersey William Paskrel would ?artici?ate at event. Re?resentatives of Jewish community of Azerbaijan, American families, fostering Azerbaijan children would join to holiday merriment.

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