TODAY.AZ / Society

49568 persons passed away in Azerbaijan last year

29 September 2005 [09:05] - TODAY.AZ
49568 persons passed away in Azerbaijan last year.
This means that 605,5 of every 100000 persons died. APA was informed from the Ministry of Health that most cases of death happened because of the diseases of the blood circulation system. Generally 28488 persons passed away because of the diseases of the blood circulation system last year. This means that 348 of every 100000 persons died because of these diseaseses last year. The next place baleongs to patients suffering from the neoplasm.

The general amount of persons died because of this disease is 6105 and this means the death of 74,6 of every 100000 persons.

The number of persons died because of respiratory diseases (39,2 of every 100000 persons) is 3028 and this category holds the third place in the list. 3029 persons died because of the diseases of the digestive system last year, 1111 persons because of some infectional and parasitical diseases, 1047 persons because of the diseases of the urino-genital system, 1332 persons because of the diseases of the endocrine system, food poisoning, metabolic and immunity diseases, 549 persons because of the diseases of the nervous sytem, 275 persons because of congenital defects, and 35 persons because of the mental diseases.


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