TODAY.AZ / Society

Ministry of Health imposes ban on wild bird meat sales

19 October 2005 [11:32] - TODAY.AZ
Meat of wild birds should disappear soon from tables of Azerbaijan citizens. The Ministry of Health tells that it is for citizens own good.
The serious outbreak of the virus H5N1 commonly known as a “bird flu” that still terrorizes around the world striking in different countries live stock and humans is also a headache for Azeri epidemiological services of the Ministry of Health. Even though the situation is still normal and no cases were registered in Azerbaijan the Ministry imposed a ban on sales of wild birds’ meat on the markets.

In a statement delivered by the Head of the Ministry’s Sanitary and Epidemiology Control Inspection Viktor Gasimov mentioned that the ministry already has begun to take measures against people selling the meat of wild birds both in Baku and in regions of Azerbaijan.

It is expected that in order to secure that the ban is not broken the ministry will ask law enforcement institutions to step in and monitor the situation.



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