TODAY.AZ / Society

Mammadbagir Bagirzade passed away

01 November 2005 [14:29] - TODAY.AZ
People’s artist Mammadbagir Bagirzade passed away at about 22.00 on October 30.

M.Bagirzade was seriously ill. "He had a sharp destructive inflammation of pancreas. This disease can be in different forms. His disease developed very rapidly. The disease poisons and destructs the whole organism within several hours. This caused the death of M.Bagirzade. It has nothing to do with this process. It is impossible regardless of the treatment," commented professor of the Central Clinical Hospital Nuru Bayramov.

Stating that Bayramov said that the artist had the most serious form of the disease. "We applied modern medications, but this disease is hardly ever treated in the world experience. The patent underwent an operation on October 22. I performed the second operation several days later" explained Bayramov saying regretfully that despite hard efforts they could not save the patient.



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