TODAY.AZ / Society

AFFA addressed a letter to UEFA on Armenian aggression against Azerbaijan

04 February 2006 [10:00] - TODAY.AZ
The administration of AFFA addressed a letter to UEFA with regard to the meeting of Armenian team with our national team in the qualifying stage of European championship 2008 which is to be held in Austria and Switzerland.

According to the information given to APA by the Department of Information and Public Affairs of AFFA, the letter addressed to UEFA and its all member associations, except Armenia reads that, Armenian Armed Forces and terror organizations have made military aggression to our territories and committed terrible tortures against our compatriots. Enumerating the troubles against our people caused by Armenians since early 19th century, AFFA underlined that, 20% of territories of Azerbaijan has been occupied by the Armed Forced of Armenia, as the result of this aggression.

The letter interprets the invasion of territories of Azerbaijan the territorial integrity of which is recognized by more than 140 countries and which is the member of a number of international organization, including the UNO and OSCE as mere aggression fact and quoted the Resolution of the UNO Supreme Assembly, as well: "Armed attack of a state against the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of another state which contradicts the UNO Resolution is interpreted as an aggression in the Resolution."

The letter also reads that, the aggression of Armenia was proved in the 4 Resolutions adopted by the UNO Security Council. "However, Armenia is indifferent to the decision of the international organizations. That is why, there have been no economical, cultural, political and other relations between Azerbaijan and Armenian for more than 15 years. In addition, Armenian sportsmen don't participate in different international sports tournaments held in our republic. We would like to draw your attention to fact that, our people cannot possibly agree to host the match with Armenian team. The issue has been discussed in detail in the Executive Committee of AFFA and it was decided unanimously that to submit a recommendation to the UEFA administration on holding the match with Armenian national team in a neutral country. We ask you to assist us in holding the match in a neutral zone."


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