TODAY.AZ / Business

Working group meeting on environmental issues takes place in Zangilan

26 January 2024 [18:10] - TODAY.AZ
By Azernews

Abbas Ganbay

The first meeting of this year's working group on environmental issues is being held at the Congress Centre in Zangilan, Azernews reports, citing Azertac.

Deputy Ecology and Natural Resources Minister Vugar Karimov, Special Representative of the President in Jebrayil, Gubadli and Zangilan districts of the East Zangazur Economic Region Vahid Hajiyev, Senior Advisor of the structure, member of the working group on environmental issues Nargiz Garajayeva and other members of the working group are taking part in the meeting.

The session discusses such issues as solutions for sustainable development of the environment through restoration of qahriz in Jabrayil district, assessment of environmental factors in the socio-economic development of East Zangazur economic district, work in the field of forestry carried out in the territories liberated from occupation within the framework of Azerbaijani-Turkish cooperation, ensuring environmental stability in the implementation of rehabilitation and reconstruction projects in Jabrayil, Gubadli and Zangilan districts, as well as the implementation of environmental projects in the regions of Azerbaijan.

There are also discussions on the water supply systems of the Zangilan and Jabrayl districts, road construction projects in the East Zangazur economic region, the status and prospects for the utilization of mineral deposits, the process of environmental rehabilitation in the territories liberated from occupation, aspects of territorial planning, environmental impact assessment and demining activities carried out within the framework of greening projects.

Vahid Hajiyev, special representative of the President of Azerbaijan in Jabrayil, Gubadli and Zangilan districts of the East Zangazur economic region, noted that Garabagh and East Zangazur have turned into a big construction site.

"During the past year in Jabrayil, Gubadli and Zangilan in 9 villages, one settlement and three urban centres the foundations of various residential blocks, schools and hospitals were laid. These infrastructures, residential complexes will be a significant contribution to the process of return of people"

Vahid Hajiyev noted that Garabagh and East Zangazur have been declared a green energy zone, environmental protection is the main priority in large-scale rehabilitation and reconstruction works in the territories liberated from occupation.

"Major projects are being implemented in this direction. Solar power plants will be built in Jabrayil. If we talk about construction, administrative buildings in the villages to be built in the next stages are envisaged to be provided with green energy. The village of Aghali will be supplied with energy from renewable energy sources. In general, innovative approaches to the concepts of "smart city" and "smart village" will be applied," Vahid Hajiyev said.


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