TODAY.AZ / Politics

Strategic partnership with Washington prompt Yerevan to postpone peace treaty with Baku

14 June 2024 [14:51] - TODAY.AZ
On June 11, Armenian Foreign Minister Ararat Mirzoyan held a meeting with U.S. Under Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs James O'Brien in Yerevan. At the beginning of the final session of the Strategic Dialogue between Armenia and the United States. 

"During the meeting, Armenia and the United States reviewed progress in strengthening bilateral relations and outlined deepening ties in the coming year, which will be formalised in a Memorandum of Understanding in order to raise the status of our bilateral relations to the level of the Strategic Partnership Commission," reads a joint statement on the outcome of the meeting, which took place in Yerevan.

The executive director of the Azerbaijani-American Centre for Economic and Strategic Studies, located in Wisconsin (USA), American political expert Peter Tase said that the Biden-Harris administration is making a huge mistake in US foreign policy in the South Caucasus region. 
According to him, the strategic partnership with Yerevan will further embolden the Armenian government to become more aggressive towards neighbouring countries.

"Washington is completely disconnected from reality regarding this part of Europe. The bilateral strategic partnership with Armenia will have negative geostrategic consequences, which will further worsen Washington's position in the South Caucasus. These actions do not bode well for America's geopolitical interests on the Eurasian continent," he said.
According to him, the current US administration needed to maintain an open and sincere dialogue, partnership and political coordination with the administration of President Ilham Aliyev.

"Ilham Aliyev is a statesman respected all over the world whose promises and words have the same value as his signature. Unfortunately, the State Department has decided to deepen cooperation with Armenia, whose government buys large stocks of military equipment from France.

The strategic partnership with Washington will encourage Yerevan to postpone fulfilling its obligations to conclude a peace treaty with Baku and respect international law when it comes to recognising the full territorial sovereignty of the Republic of Azerbaijan," Peter Tase added.


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