"Fact finding mission has completed its activity's first stage. At present, they prepare report loking through the facts, materials taken into notes".
Araz Azimov deputy Foreign Minister told APA about it.
He stated, report will be presented to Azerbaijan side after it is being ready. The report will also be discussed in Minsk group and in Permanent Council of PACE: "We have given profound materials to members of mission, presented photos taken from stations by satellite. These materials prove restoration works to be conducted in the territories belonging to Azerbaijan. As far as I know, members of the mission are witness of this fact".
A.Azimov informed that, in the materials presented to mission approximately 23 thousand Armenians settling fact were noted: "Perhaps there is difference in arguments. But, this does not change result. Facts exist, settling has taken place. This problem should be solved".
Deputy Minister informed, Armenians must realize giving back the territories: "Therefore, it is not worth losing time".