By Laman Ismayilova
No precipitation is expected in Baku and the Absheron Peninsula on July 14. Moderate northwest wind will blow in the daytime.
The temperature on the Absheron peninsula will be +22-25 °C at night, +30-34 °C in the daytime, the Ecology and Natural Resources Ministry reported.
In Baku, the temperature will be +23-25 °C at night, and +32-34 °C in the daytime.
Atmospheric pressure will be below average at 758 mm Hg. Relative humidity will reach 65-75 percent at night, and 35-45 percent in the daytime.
The seawater temperature in Sumgayit, Novkhani, Pirshaghi, Nardaran, Bilgah, Zagulba will be +24-25 °C, and +25-26 °C in Turkan, Hovsan, Sahil, and Shikhov.
Thunderstorms and showers are expected in some regions. Rainy weather will intensify in northern and western regions. West wind will blow.
The temperature will be +20-25 °C at night, +32-37 °C in the daytime. In the highlands, the temperature will be +13-18 °C at night, and +20-25 °C in the daytime.