7 persons have nominated their candidacies for by-elections so far to be held on 13 May 2006.
The Central Election Committee (CEC) secretary Natig Mammadov provided Trend with this information.
He said, according to the latest data, these 7 people nominated their candidacies from two constituencies: the First Surakhani N31 and the Sumgayit city constituency N44.
Mammadov said, the term for the candidacies nomination, presentation of signature lists and other documents will be finished on 3 March at 18.00 p.m. The issue of the candidates registration by the electoral commissions will be resolved during 5 days.
Mammadov said, after forming the newly composed CEC by Milli Mejlis, inferior commissions (constituency and electoral ones) will be formed. Foreign observers will be invited by CEC for monitoring by-elections.
It should be noted, by-elections will be held on 13 May 2006 on 10 constituencies.