Armenia has potential and should become a transit country, for which certain efforts are already carried out, South Caucasus Railways CJSC General Director Shevket Shaydulin stated at the Dec. 24 press conference, underlining that currently Georgia also makes such an attempt, using its geographical position.
“Georgia wishes railway service to Europe towards India and China to pass via Kars-Akhalkalaki, but we offer Kars-Gumri railway track,” Shaydulin said, adding that large investments into the project were made.
According to him, Akhurik station (border upon Turkey) is fully repaired and brought to conformity with international standards.
All necessary conditions are ensured for cars unloading and transportation during the transit at the station.
“Akhurik is now a station with high technologies, fiber-optic cable laid to provide fast Internet that is essential for up-to-date logistics,” Shaydulin said.