Money is a wonderful thing. With it you can get almost anything you desire, even love (ever heard of a massage parlor?). So it’s not surprising that people do crazy things for money, like streak naked in front of the US President. However, what India native Manju Devi did definitely is shocking!
35-year-old Manju sliced off the tongue of her neighbor’s 4-month-old daughter because she thought it’d make her rich.
According to reports, some “self-professed Godman” (aka a Quack) told her to do it. He’s been stopping by her home lately to lecture her on ‘Godly’ things, and apparently he told her that slicing a young girl’s tongue would bring her riches.
Regardless, the girl thankfully survived the ordeal, though at the time of this writing, she is still in critical condition. And there is no word on whether they were able to reattach her tongue.
As for Mansi, iIt looks like she’ll be going off to jail for a very long time. As for the Godman, he unfortunately disappeared, so keep yours eyes and ears open! If some strange-looking fellow knocks on your door and tells you he knows the secret to getting rich, I suggest you avoid speaking with him!
/Weird Asia News/