TODAY.AZ / Business

Azerbaijani Railways reveals its green contribution projects

26 December 2023 [17:45] - TODAY.AZ
Nigar Hasanova

6 of the 10 new Stadler trains ordered by Azerbaijan Railways CJSC, 4 of which have already been delivered to our country, are electric, Azernews reports.

According to the information, thanks to these trains, the share of railway transport in environmental protection will increase even more.

In addition, to promote the use of bicycles, which are environmentally friendly and beneficial for human health, bicycle stands have been installed at railway stations.

Azerbaijan Railways contributes greatly to the prevention of carbon dioxide emissions by promoting green energy. For this purpose, during the renovation of the Yeni Bilajari locomotive depot, 307 solar panels were installed on the roofs of the buildings for energy supply, and 350 solar panels were installed in the Yeni Ganja locomotive depot.

Also, all necessary measures are taken to avoid damage to the environment during the construction of railways. In each new project, ESG principles are analysed and applied most effectively. Thus, in agreement with the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, the location of those trees was sensibly changed in the 85th km of the Horadiz-Aghband line, near the Minjivan station, in order not to damage the forest area. Maximum efforts are made to avoid damage to the environment during the construction of railways.

Planting trees along the railway track is kept in mind in every project of Azerbaijan Railways. Pine trees and other types of trees have already been planted as part of the Barda-Aghdam project.

Azerbaijan Railways uses innovative technological solutions to reduce the use of paper in internal documents. Also, since this year, the sale of paper tickets on the Absheron circular route has been stopped.


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