TODAY.AZ / Politics

CEC Chairman makes statement on Azerbaijan's upcoming parliamentary elections

19 July 2024 [17:26] - TODAY.AZ
Fatima Latifova

806 people have applied for candidacy in the extraordinary parliamentary elections to be held on September 1, Azernews reports, citing the Chairman of the Central Election Commission (CEC), Mazahir Panahov, as he stated at today's CEC meeting.

He noted that 585 authorised representatives from 25 parties have already been registered. The candidacy of 532 people has been approved.

"451 people have received signature sheets. 31 people have returned the signature sheets. The candidacy of 4 people has been registered," the chairman emphasised.

Mazahir Panahov also said that all conditions have been created for voters in the liberated territories to vote comfortably.

He noted that, within the framework of the September 1 elections, a total of 585 authorised representatives nominated by political parties have already been registered.

He also mentioned that 34 permanent polling stations in the liberated territories are fully prepared for the elections:

"In addition, as we have mentioned, we are also establishing temporary – five-day polling stations. The process for the citizens who will vote there will be at a high level."


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