TODAY.AZ / Politics

Deputy Minister discusses Azerbaijan's COP29 chairmanship at "Speaking Experience" project

22 July 2024 [13:57] - TODAY.AZ
Ulviyya Shahin

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Yalchin Rafiyev was the guest of the "Speaking Experience" project, which aims to continuously develop employees of the Ministry of Science and Education, as well as its subordinate institutions, and to train personnel ready for modern challenges, Azernews reports.

During the event, Yalchin Rafiyev spoke on "Azerbaijan's chairmanship of COP29: priorities and expectations". The deputy minister provided detailed information about the goals and scope of COP29, scheduled to be held in Baku in November of this year.

Rafiyev also emphasized that contributing to the resolution of climate change and its global impacts is one of Azerbaijan's primary goals.

The session concluded with a Q&A session where the participants' questions were addressed.

It is important to note that the "Speaking Experience" project includes regular organization of such meetings.


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