TODAY.AZ / World news

Turkiye pushes button: Operation 'Narcocelik-41' seizes 1 ton of drugs

03 October 2024 [22:17] - TODAY.AZ

By News Centre

In the “NARKOÇEL?K-41” operations conducted this week in 57 provinces targeting drug dealers, drug manufacturers, and drug dealers. As a result of a successful operation conducted in Turkiye's provinces, 967 kilograms of drugs and 5 million 857 thousand 520 drug pills were seized. 644 drug dealers and street sellers were caught.

The report says that under the coordination of our Chief Public Prosecutor's Office and the General Directorate of Security's Anti-Narcotics Crimes Department; With the participation of 1603 teams, 4 thousand 127 personnel, 25 aircraft and 41 narcotic detector dogs by the Provincial Police Departments, "NARKOÇEL?K-41" operations were carried out in 57 provinces including, Aksaray, Bursa, Ankara, Istanbul, Gaziantep, Balikesir, Izmir, Nevsehir, Sirnak, Malatya, Manisa, Sanliurfa, Bingol, Adana, Diyarbakir, Konya, Usak, Batman, Mersin, Bolu, Samsun, Denizli, Yozgat, Antalya, Hatay, Tekirdag, Canakkale, Cankiri, Yalova, Eskisehir, Kocaeli, Afyonkarahisar, Erzurum, Van, Adiyaman, Corum, Karaman, Trabzon, Kahramanmaras, Kayseri, Sakarya, Burdur, Giresun, Isparta, Kilis, Zonguldak, Osmaniye, Aydin, Ordu, Karabuk, Kirikkale, Kirklareli, Kirsehir, Kutahya, Siirt, Elazig and and Mu?la.


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