/By AzerNews/
By Nigar Orujova
Azerbaijan’s Health Ministry continues raids to reveal pharmacies that offer non registered medicines or sale medicines without prescription.
The country has registered more than 4,500 brands of more than 20,000 types of medicine. Currently, 57 percent of medicines registered in Azerbaijan are produced in Europe, 26 percent in the CIS countries, including 12 percent made in Russia. A small share of medicines is produced in Asian countries.
The recent inspections in 113 pharmacies resulted in seizing of unregistered medicines of 835 names.
Activity of two pharmacies was suspended following the raids due to the sale of unregistered medicines and lack of prescription, Director of the Center for Analytical Examination of the Health Ministry Murad Suleymanov said.
The license of one of the pharmacies has been canceled, he added.
The country has recently banned the sale of medicines without prescription. Only medicines that have passed the state registration can be dispensed by prescription.
Moreover, the government started regulating the prices of medicines from September 15 and strengthened control over pharmacies. Only registered medicines can be on sale in Azerbaijan.
The reduction of medicines prices continues in Azerbaijan at present. Up until now, the Tariff Council has approved the prices of over 3,500 kinds of medicines. The price-regulating process is expected to be completed by mid 2016.
Today, medicine prices can be followed by mobile phones and tablets. The list with adjusted prices has been posted in PDF format in the “Pharmaceuticals” section of the website of theTariff Council.
Moreover, residents can also use a hotline to get more information on medicines.
Analytical Examination Center of the Health Ministry has recently increased the number of hotlines.
The new phone numbers are +994 594-57-27, +994 594-57-37. Citizens can contact these numbers to get information on medicines that have passed state registration, authorization or a ban on sale, and alternative medical products.