The official exchange rate of Azerbaijani manats to the US dollar set by Azerbaijani Central Bank (CBA) consolidated at 0.0638 manats (four percent). Accordingly, the average rate was set at 1.55716 manats to 1 US dollar.
Official exchange rate of manats to US dollar | |||
March 21 | - | March | 1,5876 |
March 22 | - | March | 1,5737 |
March 23 | - | March | 1,5586 |
March 24 | - | March | 1,5421 |
March 25 | - | April 1 | 1,5238 |
Average weekly | - | Average weekly | 1,55716 |
During the week, the official exchange rate of manats to euro set by the CBA consolidated at 0.0391 manats (two percent). Accordingly, the average rate was set at 1.7545 manats to 1 euro.
Official exchange rate of manats to euro | |||||||
March 21 | - | March 28 | 1,7722 | ||||
March 22 | - | March 29 | 1,7611 | ||||
March 23 | - | March 30 | 1,7608 | ||||
March 24 | - | March 31 | 1,7453 | ||||
March 25 | - | April 1 | 1,7331 | ||||
| - |
| 1,7545 |
The official exchange rate of Azerbaijani manats to the Russian ruble set by Azerbaijani Central Bank consolidated at 0.0006 manats (2.6 percent). Accordingly, the average rate was set at 0.02284 manats to 1 Russian ruble.
Official exchange rate of manats to Russian ruble | |||
March 21 | - | March 28 | 0,0233 |
March 22 | - | March 29 | 0,0229 |
March 23 | - | March 30 | 0,0228 |
March 24 | - | March 31 | 0,0225 |
March 25 | - | April 1 | 0,0227 |
Average weekly | - | Average weekly | 0,02284 |
During the week, the official exchange rate of manats to Turkish lira set by the CBA consolidated at 0.0119 manats (two percent). Accordingly, the average rate was set at 0.5461 manats to 1 Turkish lira.
Official exchange rate of manats to Turkish lira | |||
March 21 | - | March 28 | 0,5514 |
March 22 | - | March 29 | 0,5483 |
March 23 | - | March 30 | 0,548 |
March 24 | - | March 31 | 0,5433 |
March 25 | - | April 1 | 0,5395 |
Average weekly | - | Average weekly | 0,5461 |
This week, the price of one ounce of gold dropped by 53.519 manats (2.8 percent).
Accordingly, the average price for gold reached 1912,43052 manats.
Change in the value of one ounce of gold: | |||
March 21 | - | March 28 | 1938,4596 |
March 22 | - | March 29 | 1921,4877 |
March 23 | - | March 30 | 1910,8436 |
March 24 | - | March 31 | 1906,4211 |
March 25 | - | April 1 | 1884,9406 |
Average weekly | - | Average weekly | 1912,43052 |
The trading at Baku Interbank Currency Exchange (BBVB) has not been carried out since early 2015, so the exchange rate of manats is not formed.