By Amina Nazarli
More and more tourists are choosing Azerbaijan as a travel destination, and experts believe this sector can turn into the core direction for Azerbaijan's economic growth thanks to the extensive tourism potential of the country.
Azerbaijan with mix of modernity and historicity continues to be in focus of millions of foreigners despite the global economic crisis. Culture and Tourism Minister Abulfaz Garayev, addressing the opening ceremony of the 15th International Tourism Exhibition, noted that the country will welcome more foreign tourists in 2016 compared to last year.
The country is expected to be visited by many tourists from Russia, Iran, and Persian Gulf countries this summer.
Garayev’s recent visits to Qatar and Kuwait promises to increase the flow of Arab tourists, who already regard Azerbaijan as one of their favorite destinations.
“All of their media wrote about the tourism potential of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan Airlines has already discussed the organization of direct flights. Therefore, we expect a large influx of visitors from the Gulf countries,” he said.
Alongside eastern tourists, the Land of Fire also attracts visitors from western countries. The minister said the latest data shows that the number of European tourists coming to Azerbaijan increased by 15-20 percent.
Noting that over 250 tourist companies are operating in Azerbaijan, Garayev added that the number of tourists rose by five times during past 10 years.
Touching upon prices in tourism sector, he added that a10-day holiday in Azerbaijan costs around 250 manats ($164), what is affordable and is a result of strong competition in the tourism sector of Azerbaijan, according to the minister.
The minister emphasized that tourism occupies one of the key places in the state policy, and the state has already reached success in certain projects and is going to realize a new tourism strategy that is already in the agenda of the Parliament.
Garayev also spoke about obstacles faced in the tourism sector, pointing to insufficient number of facilities for tourists.
“Despite their number increased in recent years reaching 570, this is not enough. The flow of tourists is growing.
Most of tourists coming to Azerbaijan in recent years live in homes of villagers, who rent out their houses. For this purpose we have developed a special program, where we are conducting special training for owners of homes that provide services, and teach them to ensure quality and safe services,” he said.
Another problem that foreign tourists faced while visiting Azerbaijan during the Novruz holiday was lack of the currency exchange points, which simply defies logic, according to the minister.
“The currency exchange points and banks in Azerbaijan, as throughout the world, have to work during holidays,” he said.
The minister said that the new bill "On Tourism", targeting to improve the national tourism, which is being discussed, will eliminate such facts.
"Every company, state-owned enterprises, ministries, will carry out the necessary work for the organization of high-level tourist trips,” he assured.
Meanwhile, Culture and Tourism Ministry’ Tourism Department Head, Mahir Gahramanov announced that a state tourist registry for tourism enterprises is planned to be opened in accordance with the law.
Gahramanov said that activities of tourism enterprises, which to be included in the State Register and receive a certificate of compliance, will be deemed under an appropriate law.
He added it’s also planned to introduce compulsory certification for hotels, which is now carried out voluntarily.
"We are planning the introduction of compulsory certification as a reservation control mechanisms. But it just a proposal and the discussion is underway," Gahramnov said.