The average price for AZERI LT CIF, extracted on the block of Azerbaijani fields Azeri-Chirag-Guneshli, was $47.31 per barrel on May 9-13 or $1.03 per barrel more than the previous week.
The maximum price for AZERI LT was $49.1 per barrel and the minimum price was $44.69 per barrel during the reporting period.
Azerbaijan sells AZERI LT via the Turkish port of Ceyhan and Georgian ports - Batumi and Supsa.
The oil is supplied to Ceyhan via the BTC pipeline and to Georgia - via the Baku-Supsa pipeline and railway.
The average price for Urals (Ex-Novo) exported from Azerbaijan via the Novorossiysk port was $42.71 per barrel on May 9-13 or $0.84 per barrel more than the previous week.
The maximum price for Urals totaled $44.58 per barrel and the minimum - $40.05 per barrel on May 9-13.
Azerbaijan sells oil supplied via the Baku-Novorossiysk pipeline through this Russian port.
The average price for Brent Dated was $45.29 per barrel on May 9-13 or $1.48 per barrel more than the previous week.
The maximum price for Brent was $47.24 per barrel and the minimum - $42.42 during the reporting period.