By Azernews
By Amina Nazarli
Azerbaijan entered Top 5 for the penetration rate of fixed broadband Internet, says Asia - Fixed Broadband Market analytical overview, published in Market Research Reports.
The level of penetration of broadband Internet in Azerbaijan is amounted to 79 percent in 2016, being in a row alongside with countries such as South Korea and Japan (91 percent both), Singapore (84 percent), Taiwan (83 percent) and Hong Kong (79 percent).
Azerbaijan became the most active country for the development of broadband Internet in Asia, along with countries such as the Maldives and Macau, according to Market Research Reports.
The country’s population is fully provided with the fixed and mobile services. The number of providers operating in the country reaches 50.
Today, Azerbaijan is one of the leading countries implementing high technologies in the region. The sustainable development of the ICT sector is an integral part of the economic and political reforms which are currently implemented in Azerbaijan. The country is confidently striving to enter the world ICT race.
The country has recently started the use of 4G Internet service which is considered to be a brand-new technology in the system of mobile telephone network and creates an opportunity for the access to the high-speed Internet all over the country. The signal of the digital broadcasting covers approximately 99 percent of Azerbaijan. Over 75 percent of the country’s population has an access to the Internet.
The creation of the Data-centre in the country is considered to be one of the most important steps in this direction. The centre, construction of which has already been completed, is the first licensed centre in Azerbaijan and the Caucasus region. The DATA Center was tested for resilience by American Uptime Institute in order to obtain a certificate of Tier3 level. The certificate is an official confirmation of reliability and security. Tier 3 is considered to be one of the highest levels in this sphere which offers 99.98 percent availability.