By Azernews
By Rashid Shirinov
Wi-Fi has become vital to our everyday lives as air and water. When our Wi-Fi drops at home we're outraged, and we certainly wouldn't stop for a coffee at a cafe that doesn't have Wi-Fi. But you know what's even better than Wi-Fi? Free Wi-Fi. Here's how to get free Wi-Fi in Baku.
Baku Telephone Communications Production Association has announced that it has completed the launch of free Wi-Fi points in several public places of the capital city.
While Wi-Fi access points are already available at the Baku Boulevard, the State Flag Square and Icherisheher (Old City), the Production Association, which provides the service, has shared the instructions on connection to the free Wi-Fi.
“Identification of the user wishing to connect to free Wi-Fi in public places is carried out by mobile number,” the Association told Trend on March 28.
The user needs to enable the option of Wi-Fi networks detection on his mobile device and select the Baktelekom network. After connecting to the network, the user needs to open the browser and go to any address.
Further, the address will be redirected to the authorization page, where the user will need to pass the identification process. On the opened page, the user should enter his mobile number, and then he will get an SMS with the access code to the Internet.
“The received authorization code will be valid for three hours. It can only be used in one device. The free Wi-Fi is available for one hour,” the Association noted.
The user will be able to pass similar authorization procedure two more times during the day.
The free Wi-Fi service will be provided within the framework of the Public Wi-Fi project. The total number of the installed Wi-Fi points is 155. The suppliers of the equipment are Huawei and ZTE companies.
The operator added that in the near future, the Public Wi-Fi will be available also in the territory adjacent to the Heydar Aliyev Center and in Baku White City.
Azerbaijan ranks first among the countries of Post-Soviet region for the level of broadband internet penetration. Thus, Azerbaijan left behind Russia, Georgia, Kazakhstan and other CIS countries.
Moreover, Azerbaijan is the 58th country in the world over number of its Internet users. Statistical project Internet Live Stats noted that the number of Azerbaijani Internet users has exceeded 6 million, accounting for 61.1 percent of the country’s population.
The signal of the digital broadcasting covers approximately 99 percent of Azerbaijan, while over 75 percent of the country’s population has access to the Internet.