By Gulgiz Muradova - Trend:
The International Labor Organization encourages Azerbaijan to take all the necessary measures to guarantee the proper functionality of the Labor Inspection, in line with the international standards ratified by the country.
Olga Koulaeva, Director of the ILO Decent Work Team and Country Office for Eastern Europe and Central Asia announced about this in an interview with Trend.
Azerbaijan is one of the target countries of the ILO Project "Partnerships for Youth Employment in the CIS". The project aims to support the Government of the country and social partners in dealing with youth employment challenges and labor market mismatches, through development of policy tools based on good youth employment practices, promoting policy coherence and comprehensive employment policy framework.
Koulaeva said that the project also helps the government improve working conditions in the country, including in matters related to occupational safety and health. The ILO underlines the importance of the State Labour inspection in this area.
The Government of Azerbaijan is pursuing policy of diversification of economy prioritizing several areas, such as infrastructure, agriculture, tourism, and development of IT sector.
However, Koulaeva said, the economic downturn demands new approaches to stabilize the situation on labour market and lay grounds for sustainable development of labour force through the development of non-oil sectors of economy.
"The ILO designed a package of policy measures aimed to support the government in tackling a new economic reality. The package covered macroeconomic approaches, employment policy, economy diversification measures and modernization of PES," she said.